Monday 9 November 2015

Girl Crushes

I realised just now that some of my girl crushes are moms. Maybe as a high school student, I was right about what I said to one of my friends: that we get girl crushes on women we aspire to be like. The term itself is rather funny especially at this point where there are all sorts of gender preference variations. Believe me when I say I don't mean to be insulting/demeaning/whatever you wish to say about it, but by this point, it all confuses me so since it's not the central for this post, I shall stick to what I already have down and leave the gender discussions off for another time.

Girl crushes. I suppose this can be taken to mean a heterosexual girl's way of expressing a certain level of admiration for another female but in a completely non-sexual way. At least, that's what I've always seen it used as and that's how I'm using it now.

I never really had girl crushes before. I had female idols and that I differentiate by putting idols on a level that "I admire you greatly for your professional/career achievements but I don't really know you as a person, so we will leave it at that." My girl crushes are women I know personally and yes, two of them are moms.

I realise now that I've been, in a way, studying these women, looking for ways to apply their outlook and practices to my own life.

One of them, Aila Sim Yonzon of The Bunny Baker, is a mom of three who is already doing with her life what I aim to do a decade or so into the future. Oh and she has the most amazing body to match. Far more defined than I envision for myself but I love how she really carves out time to exercise--something I am so lazy with. I suppose it helps that it's something that both she and her husband do but then again, my husband tried to get me to be more active...and has so far failed. But yes, I do admire her for all that.

The other one is Eliza Santiago of MoMaMa.Me. First, I admired her as a newbie to babywearing ("Confidence and conviction!") and then for showing me that you can be fabulous while being a mom (this was before I was friends with Aila on Facebook so I didn't see much of her being a fabulous-looking mom yet). After that, I started following her on Facebook and learning more and more about her passions and how she pursues them while maintaining a career as a makeup artist, and of course, being a mom.

Of everything, really, what I love best about following them on social media is seeing what can be accomplished while staying firmly connected to your kids, which is what I want for myself. I'm already partly doing it now, sharing the building of a new business with my husband and our friends. But I do still have projects I intend to do on my own and that's what I'm really looking forward to spending my time on in the future.

For now I will be happy watching the success of these women, knowing that what I want to do with my life is completely possible.

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