Friday, 15 June 2012

IHeart Organizing: March Challenge: Project "Household Binder" {Link ...

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IHeart Organizing: March Challenge: Project "Household Binder" {Link ...: All free printables mentioned within the post are now expired and available for sale!  Please check out my Etsy Shop for a large selecti...

I have literally been spending hours on end going over Jen's blog.

I am learning so much from her and I've been (mentally) adjusting things according to my own family's needs and, of course, the environment in which I live.

I've started working on our own household binder project, studying our family and making notes on what on her list will be of use to us and how I can create the system so that both my husband and I can use it. Mainly I intend for it to be a quick reference so that the things we individually handle/take care of can be accessed by the other easily. Not very easy to put together, to be honest, since my husband and I have very different visions of organisational systems.

But he lets me have my way with the whole mess anyway, hahaha. ^_~

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