Friday, 8 June 2012

IHeart Organizing: 5 Time Management Tips for Busy Families

This tidbit is brought to you by IHeart Organizing
IHeart Organizing: 5 Time Management Tips for Busy Families: For those of you, you have found me via Money Saving Mom , I say, "Hello and WELCOME!"  I am so excited to have you here!  Now please forgiv...

Although my user name is "The Career Housewife" please do take note that I've only just gotten married and therefore I am quite new to all of this so far.

A lot of the time I've been spending online has been devoted to learning from experienced wives and mothers who are indeed running their households and doing things without the aid of household helpers. Jen of IHeart Organizing has been one of my biggest inspirations--which means I need to update my blogroll, haha!--to date with all her time management, organizing, and D.I.Y. tips and tricks.

I seriously salute those women who do it by themselves. I'm still trying to figure out how to do that in a country where no matter how unhelpful the help can be, they are often a necessity. *insert an overly dramatic sigh here*

Meantime I shall continue to ogle her blog and glean from it whatever I can to help me get my own housewife career on track. ^_^

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