Monday, 2 July 2012

Wish Fulfillment Weekend

Okay. Guess which girlie managed to rub a magical lamp and got two of her wishes fulfilled on succeeding days this weekend?


This little beauty--which you can see me charging up--is my new iPhone. No, it's not the latest model, let's get that out of the way. But for something that I got for free, I'm not about to complain. I'm just thrilled that I can Instagram my daily photos now. Well, among other things. But this is quite the upgrade for me, truly.

Oh and do you see my nails? Remember my post about getting into character? Well, this wasn't on her profile but seeing my bottle of nail polish, she just began demanding we paint our nails this colour. So yes, we are getting there. I may actually wear some make-up tomorrow just to smoothen out my complexion as is fitting for her profile. Maybe.

This second image is that of kamias, known as the fruit of the cucumber tree to some or more scientifically the Averhhoa bilimbi. I have been craving this for the past week and only this Saturday did I finally manage to indulge.

I have been one very spoiled little girl this weekend, I must confess.

The little unexpected blessing of the arrival of the longed-for iPhone which I actually had plans to upgrade to some time this week whilst updating my mobile phone subscription is probably the more amusing of the two events. Admittedly, the phone wasn't really meant for me but for my mother. Except when I told her I actually did want an iPhone myself and that my own SIM card would work on the phone, passed it on to me with the claim that she'd rather not spend yet another month learning to manipulate yet another new phone.

Hello, Instagram. Hello, kamias. Hello, Saturday and Sunday. Thank you for being so good to me.

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