Thursday, 8 November 2012

Last Leg

While not strictly a travel-related post--I told myself I'd stick to travel posts on Thursdays--this is still a journey and I just really wanted to get it out there.

Normally I would post one of my journals to Bean but as you've noticed, the past two weeks I've not really shared anything again. Mostly because I've been busy with my offline things and with the Feast of the Dead just passed, there were a lot of things that needed to be dealt with.

Bean is hardly a bean anymore, in fact, my husband has taken to calling me a watermelon instead. Which I don't actually mind and truth be told, I've been craving watermelon just a little bit. ^^; A very mild version of my morning sickness has returned but none of the old remedies have worked beyond simply avoiding what's been making me feel sick to begin with.

Unfortunately, the heat is something I have no power over beyond escaping to the mall.

My clinic visits have been upgraded to every two weeks and by December, every week. I'm not entirely sure now what to expect despite reading "What to Expect" because so far, it's been such an easy ride for me that I wonder what I'm doing right to deserve such an easy 8+ months. I'm not gloating, mind--I just feel very, very blessed, considering the things I've read about things to expect and other women's pregnancy discomforts.

That I still feel very much like a child myself brings a whole new perspective into things. I find myself constantly considering future disciplining issues, how-to's, and such, knowing one can never really prepare for parenthood but at the same time, wanting to at least know how to not get lost in the fray.

Quite appropriately, a dear Sister of mine--and just to remind you folks, I have no genetic siblings, only ones that I've come to call my Heart Siblings--just posted a reminder of how the Bible is the most perfect life guide. I'd been making an effort to read the Bible in its entirety these past two months. I'm woefully behind, I admit, but this is far more progress than I've ever had in my life before so I'm still proud that I've been reading.

I'm finally giving more serious thought to making purchases for the baby. At the last minute as is typical for me, hahaha! There's a bazaar I plan to attend at at the end of the month which has all the brands I've been eyeing so I'll likely save my shopping energy for then, at least for some of the special, non-mall items I want.

The house is still a mess and hardly fit to welcome a newborn but we're getting there. It takes time to fix up decades of clutter after all, and probably longer to turn an old house into one that will be ours.

Oh the new adventures to be had!

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