Thursday, 4 October 2012

Dear Bean #4: Family Extensions

20 July 2012

Dear Bean,

I slept most of the day today but didn't quite eat as well as I should, I'm sorry.

The summer weather is finally over...I hope. It has been very uncomfortable for me since our return from Ireland and knowing now that you have been with us since explains to me why it was so easy for me to overheat despite the unusually cold spring weather, and even more when we returned to the heat of the local summer.

Tonight we were at your Tito Luigi's house having some down time with Papa's friends. Looking around, I kind of have the feeling you will grow up like I did, in a way. My extended family by blood is quite limited, but the extended family cultivated through friendships is comparatively vast. In your case, both types of extended family are equally vast as both your father and I keep several very small circles of friends here and, as in my case, abroad. It may be overwhelming to think of at first, but I think you might grow fond of having such a large group of people to call family.

It is driving me crazy not to be able to tell of you're okay. I can't feel your movements yet so I'm constantly wondering if you're fine. I think I'd rather lose sleep over your constant movement rather than worry as I do now.

I don't know how many ultrasounds I'm to have but I look forward to our next "meeting." I can't wait to see how you've grown!


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